Friday, October 28, 2011


You get points for being Social, and then you can Redeem them for Rewards.
How do I get Points? Be Social and you will get points! Here is a breakdown on some ways you can get points:

- Signing In
- Messaging Friends
- Commenting
- Playing Games
- Updating your Status
- Updating your Mood
- Updating your MyLife
- Posting Topics
- Starting Groups
- Starting Polls
- Adding Laughs
- Adding Music
- Talking in Chatroom
- Rating
- Telling your Friends about us
- Verifying your Picture
- Creating a Theme
- Adding a Background
- Buying/Selling Socints
- and many other ways!
If you click Here or on your Points, you will see a breakdown of points you have earned and how you got them.
Be Social Get Points at!
What is a Socint? Every member of this website is considered a "Socint"... Just accept you are a Socint and you will be ok.

Why do I want to use points to buy Socints? Buying Socints is a good way to get more points and to meet new people. When somebody buys them from you, you get the points you bought them with back PLUS a percentage of the sale. The person who is being Sold also gets a percentage of the points so everybody wins!

What is a Social Circle? Socints in your Social Circle will be able to view your Updates, leave you Comments, and more. When viewing a Socints profile you can click on Add to Social Circle to add them to your Social Circle.

How many points can I get? There is No Limit to how many points you can get!

What is Picture Verifying? Picture Verifying means you submitted a picture of yourself with your Socint Name AND the word Socints somewhere in the picture. You can not Edit it in later it must be taken with the picture. You can find some examples Here.

Picture Verifying is good because it gives you points to do so, and also proves that you are a real person!

How do I create a Theme? You can create a Theme and get 200 points for it! Please Click Here for more information.

Is there a cost or fee to join? No! is 100% Free.

What kind of Rewards are there? Some reward examples include Ipods, Paypal Credits, etc! You can view the current rewards by click on View Rewards or by clicking Here

What is a Raffle? A Raffle is a group of people all trying to get the same Reward. When you enter a Raffle you get a Ticket and at the end of the Raffle if your ticket comes up you win the Reward. You can use as many points as you want to buy tickets to increase your chances of winning.

Can I join if i live outside of the U.S.? Yes! Some Rewards have restrictions on where they are sent, so please make sure it goes to your area before requesting the Reward!

How does Tell Friends work? Give your friends the code provided in the Tell Friends section and you will get 100 points for every friend that joins for up to 500 friends